Technology Product Inquiry

Great customer support starts with giving you an easy way to tell us what you need. Our global team of techs and CX reps has the resources and know-how to answer your request promptly.


Banaglore office

22/B,9 th main ,14 th cross ,BTM layout-2,Bangalore

Bhopal (onsite engineer)

D-3, 404,Danish Nagar,Bhopal

Rewa office

MIG 36,Headgwar Nagar ,Rewa (M.P)

We believe in continuous business relations while getting opportunities to serve you.

 It will be our pleasure to be a partner, for your ongoing and upcoming  IT & Electrical  Needs.

You can Reach us at :

Hotline Number +91 – 9425185483, +91-7000835049

For Sales Inquiries Please drop a mail on